The culture might not be stained properly or the culture might be too old.
Gram staining is done to differentiate between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria according to the difference in their cell wall. In gram staining, the gram-positive bacteria appears violet and gram-negative bacteria appear pink in color.
Therefore if a pure culture contains have both red and purple cocci that it can be concluded that the gram stating was not done properly like too much destaining was done or too much safranin was used or maybe the culture is too old so that cell wall of some bacteria degrades.
There are 64 fish, 8 ducks and 4 turtles.
From the question, there can be from 2 to 99 fish in the pond. However, there cannot be fractions in the number of fish, ducks or turtles. Hence, the number of fish must have both of a perfect square and perfect cube. The perfect squares from 2 to 99 are 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and 81. The perfect cubes from 2 to 99 are 8, 27 and 64. Since only 64 fits both criteria, the number of fish is 64. The number of ducks is the square root of number of fish, which is the square root of 64. The square root of 64 can be either positive 8 or negative 8. However, there cannot be negative numbers, so there are 8 ducks in total. The number of turtles is the cube root of the number of fish, which is the cube root of 64 and it is 4.
Due to inability to survive in aerobic condition.
The strain dies when exposed to a normal laboratory atmosphere instead of nitrogen gas atmosphere because the mutation causes change in the capability of the strain to survive in the aerobic conditions. This mutation inactivate several enzymes which is also responsible for their capabilities of surviving under both anaerobic and aerobic environment so that's why the strain dies when exposed to normal atmosphere..
The events of inspiration begins with the;
Impulses are conducted on the phrenic nerve to muscle fibers in the diaphragm contracting them.
As the dome shaped diaphragm moves downward the thoracic cavity expands.
At the same time the external intercostal muscles may contract raising the ribs and expanding the thoracic cavity further.
The intra-alveolar pressure decreases
Atmospheric pressure greater than intra-alveolar pressure forces the air into the respiratory tract through the air passages.
The lungs fill with air.