My name is Alexander Hamilton
My name is Alexander Hamilton
And there's a million things I haven't done
But just you wait, just you wait!
They elected Jefferson Davis as their president.
A Tale Told in Ten Blocks
The strongest man in the Bible was Samson. His power all came from his long hair. Although a woman named Delilah wanted to know where his power all came from. He told her, and behold, his Hair was cut. And he lost his power and became blind.
Hence after some hours or days, he asked God to give him one last chance. Then the power came over Samson, and he pulled the wall of Palestine down and killed all the people there. Samson also killed a lion with bare hands.
Let's look at one sentence in the text above:
surveying 15 migrants in Maine, he concludes that all migrants in Maine
So, what happened is that he asked a few immigrants a question, and then assumed that the answer is also true for all the immigrants. This kind of reasoning is also known as "generalisation" - so he can "generalise" - that's the correct answer</span>