Respect: the sense of admiration for someone´s skills or characteristics.
Excellence: the capacity of being excellent at doing something.
Determination: the ability to be determined when trying to achieve something.
Inspiration: the capacity of being someone or something that inspires people.
Courage: the capacity to do something brave.
Equality: refers to people having equal rights and opportunities.
Friendship: a relationship of shared trust and care.
Respect: I feel a lot of respect for my teacher"
Excellence: Our company strives for excellence in our customer service.
Determination: He won first place due to his relentless determination.
Inspiration: My father´s career is an inspiration to me and my brothers.
Courage: Him admitting he was wrong took a lot of courage.
Equality: Human Resources showed a great compromise with equality by making sure there were no gender gaps in the payment of its employees.
Friendship: My coworkers and share a beautiful friendship outside of the office.
Answer: because she has a lot of energey
From the description given in the question it is clear that Maurice’s understanding of the association between his father’s keys opening the lock and his father’s appearance is a form of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is <em>a learning process that occurred when an organism associates a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned response, due to the presence of an unconditioned stimulus. </em>
It can be said that the sound of the key is the neutral stimulus, and the unconditioned stimulus is Maurice’s father appearance, while the unconditioned response is his happiness at seeing his father. Because Maurice has associated the sound of the key with his father’s appearance, his behavior changed even when the neutral stimulus appears, because he anticipates that the unconditioned response would appear afterwards.
Answer: Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is a sleeping disorder in which a person tends to fall suddenly due to the unusual brain chemicals and signal.This can cause excessive sleeping, drowsiness at daytime, hallucination,loss in muscle tone, sleep paralysis etc.This disorder might occur due to genetic reasons.
Accordionist to the question's situation, Nolan might be suffering from narcolepsy as he felt asleep in the middle-of-the-conversation of vacation planning .This can be due to extreme and sudden sleep requirement which cause random eye movement sleep.
To balance the powers between federal state and local governments.