Answer: Semi-conservative replication means that during DNA replication, the two strands of nucleotides separate. Both strands then form the template for free nucleotides to bind to to create the two identical daughter strands. Hence each daughter strand has half of the DNA from the original strand and half newly-formed DNA. brainliest
A Muscle Contraction Is Triggered When an Action Potential Travels Along the Nerves to the Muscles. Muscle contraction begins when the nervous system generates a signal. The signal, an impulse called an action potential, travels through a type of nerve cell called a motor neuron.
<u>The illegal wildlife trade </u>or <u>wildlife trafficking</u> is the commercial process that involves the trade of non-domestic species (animals or plants), or in some cases certain parts of individuals. These species are rare and endangered and thus this practice is harmful and represents an increasing dangers of extinction.
This practice is highly illegal, but unfortunately, at the same time, due to the rarity of the species highly profitable. Efforts are made globally to stop this practice and to avoid the extinction of many endangered species.
In the early nineteenth century, married women in the US were legally subordinate to their husbands. Wives could not own their own property, keep their own wages, or enter into contracts. Beginning in 1839, states slowly began to enact Married Women’s Property Acts to allow women more control over their property and finances