B. moles or marks on the body
Witchcraft was the period of panic and hysteria in the 17th century and often regarded as most captivating chapters of American history. In North America, young girls started having mysterious screaming fits and on diagnosis, it was revealed that the girls have been bewitched. This began the dramatic and strange search for witches. However, witch hunters started looking for devil marks or witch marks on suspected women bodies. Witch marks included the variety of skin lesions such as red, blue, brown lesions or many time unusual moles and outlines.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La pregunta está incompleta ya que no ofrece opciones, referencias o un contexto en particular.
Sin embargo, haciendo una investigación extensa, podemos decir que se refiere a la situación que se vive en los mercados públicos en Perú, donde las aglomeraciones son comunes en estos mercados públicos.
¿Cuál es el conflicto que se presenta en esta situación?
El conflicto que se presenta es que las personas no están respetando el distanciamiento social al que ha invitado el gobierno para minimizar los contagios en esta época de pandemia. Al existir esas aglomeraciones, la gente se expone al contagio y muchos locatarios de esos mercados se han contagiado.
¿Por qué ocurre?
Esto ocurre porque la gente tiene necesidad de trabajar para ganar un dinero. La mayoría de esas personas viven al día. Si no trabajan, no comen. de igual manera, mucha gente de escasos recursos tiene que comprar su comida todos los días porque no tienen refrigeradores o electricidad en su casas.
¿Qué solución podría darse?
El gobierno podría ser más sensible a esta situación y no mandar a la fuerza policíaca porque eso genera más desobediencia y confrontaciones. El gobierno podía establecer algunos programas sociales que ayuden a la gente pobre del Perú.
I think it’s 2, I’m so sorry if I’m wrong tho lol
c. sales promotion.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this scenario Kookie Cookie's activities represent a sales promotion. This is an approach used by companies in order to gain a quick boost in sales for a specific product/service in which they persuade potential customer to buy the product through various different tactics. Which in this scenario was by sending a free package of six cookies to selected homes along with a coupon for their new cookie.
a.Costs initially go down and then go up.
The average total cost curve of an enterprise consists of the sum of the fixed cost curve and the variable cost curve. Fixed costs are those that cannot be eliminated in the short term, such as the utility bill. Varied costs are those that can be reduced if the company decreases the quantity produced. For example, inputs and labor.
Thus, initially the total cost curve tends to decrease as production increases, as fixed costs are slowly diluted as the production process advances. However, at some point this cost curve tends to increase, because if there is no economy of scale, marginal production will be decreasing, ie, after a certain point of production, each additional production will be more expensive (will require more variable costs ) and this will lead to an inflection in the average cost curve, which will increase further.