Date: 7/# (whatever date needed)
Type of Activity: Flexibility
Description of Activity: Yoga
Downward Dog: 30 sec
Low Cobra: 30 sec
Childs Pose: 30 sec
High lunge: Warrior 1: 30 sec
Warrior 2: 30 sec
Cat/Cow Pose: 30 sec
Bridge Pose: 30 sec
Corps pose: 3 mins
Intensity Level: Moderate
Time: 13:30
There is no warm up or cool down needed for stretching**
Individual decision making is more limited than collaborative decision making because as an individual you would only have one or two points of view on the subject as well as knowledge and ideas. If you were to work with more people to decide on something then there would be a good chance that everyone would be able to pitch in ideas and different points of views to overall decide.
I would say A as the answer.