In the constitution, you can found congressional powers regarding dealings with foreign relations in : C. Expressed
Expressed power refer to the power that is written in the constitution. You can find the written statement about this power in Article 1 of the United states Constitution
a. If the overall unemployment rate is 6 percent, teenage unemployment rates will exceed 12 percent.
Positive economics refers to the description of facts and information related to the economic situation of a country or region. It simply means explaining the facts and reality that is proven by theoretical work as well. It highlights the cause and effect relationships between different economic phenomenon. Here, the statement that if the overall unemployment rate is 6 percent, teenage unemployment rates will exceed 12 percent fulfills this criteria as it presents a simple and well-known fact that teenage unemployment rates are usually higher than the overall unemployment rate and can be double. This is because of a lack of skill set and experience at the youth level as compared to older age groups.
1)true because they were nomadic and followed animals across the land bridge
2)False because native americans did not always have shortages on food and when they first started growing crops they had a surplus of crops
The pressure to loosen clean air standards is based in allegations that the standards affect industry development and economy because the adjustments require further modernization and some industry even need to change their whole machinery or line production to be able to meet the legal requirements, as for the car industry, slowing down production or increasing costs.
In short-term that is very likely to be true, the industry will have to do some investment, but the price will be lower than the long-term cost of keeping up polluting the air.
The clean air standards should not be loosen because loosen the standards will benefits only specific groups and temporary, later and in other domains the loosen of the standards will affects human and other animals quality of life and environment. The economic impact will be seen later on healthy sector, food sector as agriculture and livestock, in nature disaster and in the lack of natural resources due to dramatic landscape changes.
We should not think about just economic impact of now when taking this decisions but we should consider systematic risks and consequences of supporting the loosen of clean air standards.
We must keep in mind that some process in nature are irreversible and when one action as the pollution of air is impacting towards things we will not be able to revert anymore the cost will be much higher in future than is now to adapt to the clean standards.
Examples of folkways * Correct manners, Proper eating behavior , Respecting the privacy of <span>strangers .
examples of mores * </span> Normal dress for women at work excludes clothes that are highly revealing. shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations ,