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The MSS is 1455
MSS or maximum segment size is the total number of data transferred minus the TCP and IP header. The total number of transmitted frames in a switch network is between 64 bytes to 1518 bytes with a header and trailer. The MSS does not exclude this data-link layer effect but only the transport layer like TCP and UDP, and IP address header, unlike the mtu (maximum transfer unit) which involves all headers.
Device management is the process of managing the devices in your computer.
In your computer you have the so-called device manager, in which all the drivers of your devices are installed. Device Manager allows you to monitor and manage each of its devices. You can also uninstall and update your devices in device manager. And the process of doing it is called device management. It is very simple to do this kind of stuffs as long you are familiar with your devices like mouse, printer, keyboard, etc.
In simple English, an array is a collection.
In C also, it is a collection of similar type of data which can be either of int, float, double, char (String), etc. All the data types must be same. For example, we can't have an array in which some of the data are integer and some are float.
The biggest difference between enhanced keyboards is the 12 function keys running across the top of the keyboard, instead of 10 that run down the left side. Other changes include the addition of extra Ctrl, keys, Alt keys, and cursor arrow keys between the letter keys and numeric keypad on the right side.