Walker's did not outperform because it PE Ratio is close to Industry average. Industry's data is based on average which means some of the firms may have very high PE ratio and some might have quite lower than the average. It is not obvious that the Walker's outperformed or under-performed. Complete data about the individual firms might make us able to compare the performance of Walker's. Apparently its performance is up to the mark as its PE ratio is very close to Industry average.
<u>PE Ratio</u> is a term which show the investors confidence on the firm. It shows that how much price investors are willing to pay against each unit of earning.
Pay PMI (private mortgage insurance) which is the amount the lender charges to protect their interests in case the borrower stops paying and defaults on the loan.
The answer is "franchising entry".
A franchise is a well known path for somebody to claim a business without the dangers of starting one from the beginning. A franchisee who licenses a trademark is then given the privilege to utilize the brand regarding their own particular business activity; sports establishments are this sort of business. However, the most well-known franchise is the business organize, and that is the sort the vast majority know.