point, shift deletion, UV rays, radiations, genetics mutations, gene editing
That is just some method that gene can change within the DNA
Amino Group, Carboxyl Group, and the R group
Topoisomerase is an enzyme that is involved in the unwinding of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). They are involved in double stranded DNA and they help to relieve the making of supercoils.
Topoisomerase play an important role during DNA replication, as the prevent the the twisting of the DNA double helix ahead of the replication fork. In other words, they ensure that the DNA open up for unwinding without being tightly wound.
The answer would be: It would have no effect, because tyrosine is also available from the diet
The pathway is different, alkaptonuria increased tyrosine is caused by decreased usage. In phenylketonuria, it is caused by increased production. While tyrosine is increased in phenylketonuria patient, it won't cause alkaptonuria because tyrosine could be found in the diet.