While all crocodiles, tuataras and most squamates (a clade consisting of snakes, lizards and amphisbaenians) have teeth, all living birds and turtles possess toothless beaks for mouths. Technically called rhamphothecae, their beaks are built from
Answer: Echidnas: With a keen sense of smell, an echidna uses its long, hairless snout to search for food, detect danger and locate other echidnas. Termites are the preferred food, which is why the animal is often called the 'spiny anteater'. After finding food, an echidna catches the prey with its long, sticky tongue
Crocodiles: Crocodiles are mostly nocturnal animals. They are predators and spend most of their time in the water; although they are also known to make journeys of several kilometres over land. ... Crocodiles capture water animals in their jaws with a sideways movement of the muzzle
In the population with a large number of individuals, the mutation would only have a small impact, while a population with only 18 individuals would result in a very large i off as the mutation would be in a greater percentage of the population.
Louis Pasteur in 1860s, proposed germ theory. The theory was based upon the fact that diseases are caused by the microorganisms. He was officially the first to publish his work.