Regulation, Control, Coordination, Growth, Nutrient, Nutrition, Homeotasis
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic condition that distorts the shape of the hemoglobin. This reduces the capacity of the red blood cells to carry oxygen. Another effect is that the distorted red blood cells come together forming a heavy and compact collection of cells that can block the flow of blood. The sedimentation rate is increased by sickle cell anemia.
The process of genetic engineering has been utilized to create this drug.
Genetic engineering is the artificial modification of DNA or other nucleic acid molecules in order to alter an organism’s characteristics in a certain way using biotechnology. Genetic engineering is used by scientists to improve or change the genetic makeup of an individual organism and it involves the transfer of genes to create ameliorate organisms.
d. Water is transported in the phloem.
Xylem is the vascular tissue responsible for the movement of water and dissolved minerals from roots to various plant parts. Phloem is another vascular tissue that serves mainly in the translocation of sugars. The cohesion-tension model of water transport explains that the upward movement of water from roots to the aerial plant parts is drive by transpiration pull. Transpiration of water from leaves results in a large negative pressure in xylem elements. Cohesion and adhesion properties of water maintain the water column in xylem elements.
The principle of Segregation sugests that a gene pair seperates