You can use your calculator if you have one or do long division. just make sure to move the decimal so it looks like this: 63 divided by 7. you answer should be 9
Rime: A number with exactly two factors; one and itself. What does this mean? This means that for us to call a number prime, only two whole numbers can divide into it without a remainder. Here are a few examples: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11<span>, </span>13<span>, </span>17<span>, </span>19<span>, </span>23<span>, and so on.</span>
I believe 20 is your answer. Tell me if I’m wrong.
<span>18,36,54,72,90</span><span> are first five multiples of </span>18<span>.</span>
60.5, rounded to the nearest tenth should be 61!!