I think that the cartoonist called it "fun with Economic Reality" because the Comic seems to be funny, and yet it treats a very serious and a very sad topic.
The Cartoonist implies that the rich don't really understand the problems of the poor and see the poor as "lucky" just because they are in the US, not understanding that the poor in the US are truly struggling, even if maybe their situation might not be as desperate as of the poor in Bangladesh. (which is not sure - it's not clear whether the poor have it worse in the US or in Bangladesh).
Answer and Explanation
The children assembled together in some of the neighbors premises to play; commonly some of them used to get up a tree to look out for any kidnapper that might come upon on them. Equiano was a writer and an abolitionist. His narrative was to tell the truth of conditions of life for slaves, particularly in crossing the Atlantic Ocean. In order to achieve this purpose, Equiano used particularly vivid descriptions and sensory details for just about every sense. On the selection about his people's relations with neighboring communities,Equiano The children assembled together in some of the neighbors premises to play. And his his people prepared for encounters with outsiders by commonly some of them used to get up a tree to look out for any kidnapper that might come upon on them.
The federal government is the best government for people and sovereign nations because the federal government is divided into three branches these are the legislative, the executive and the judicial branch. Each branch has its own rights and powers which are meant to check and balance the powers of each other branch.
Frida Kahlo caught polio in 1913, aged six, and had to spend several months in bed. The paralytic form of the disease was not badly disabling, however, it did have some unavoidable consequences – her right leg remained slightly deformed and shorter than her left leg so she had to wear built-up shoes