in most cases learners have been using drugs which leads the to drop out of schools
On 10 October 2014, Yousafzai was announced as the co-recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for her struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education. Having received the prize at the age of 17, Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel laureate.
depends on what the red cow is. For example, if the red cow was Bb and dominant black bull is Bb then the percentage of offspring that will be black in color is 75%. If red bulls are bb ( completely recessive) and the black bulls are BB ( completely dominant) then the percentage of black offspring is 100%. Hope this helped. comment if you have questions.
Answer:option D= heteronomous morality.
Kohlberg with full name --Lawrence Kohlberg was a psychologist. Lawrence Kohlberg was born on the 25th day of October, in the year 1927 in New York, United States of America and he died on the 19th day of January, in the year 1987 in Massachusetts, United States of America.
while he was still alive, one of Lawrence Kohlberg achievement was him proposing the Stages of Moral Development. Lawrence Kohlberg continued Piaget's work and according to him, heteronomous morality stage is "moral thinking is tied to punishment".