pulsing, continuous, and flighting
Pulsing incorporates flight as well as constant scheduling throughout the year utilizing a lower level of ads with strong advertisement during peak sales times. Categories of goods sold during the year but experiencing a increase in revenues at irregular intervals are strong contenders for pulsation.
Continuous media cycle is working smoothly with little change. Advertising can sometimes be strong or weak throughout the whole period (maybe a advertisement appears on Television once every week, or even on radio 3 occasions a day), but the idea was that the cycle stays consistent throughout a referendum campaign or even all year round.
Flighting refers to an advertisement scheduling technique that oscillates between operating a regular advertisement program and terminating all runs entirely. Flighting relates to the duration during which advertisement is performed, while the time of suspension is defined as a break.
C. After the death because it was after Jesus died
It limited their activities to prostitution, extortion, gambling, and theft. prohibition provide gangsters with the opportunity to extend their activities in the illegal, and highly lucrative crimes of bootlegging
Answer: The answer would be B
A conglomerate is a multi-industry company – i.e., a combination of multiple business entities operating in entirely different industries under one corporate group, usually involving a parent company and many subsidiaries. Conglomerates are often large and multinational.
In the 1930s, a serious drought, combined with excessively intensive farming practices, transformed the U.S. Great Plains into a dust bowl, wreaking economic devastation on farmers and their communities. The fertile topsoil that fed a nation was, quite literally, blowing in the wind.