In this moment, I do feel bored/ scared/ tired/ whatever you are feeling right now.
My greatest fear during this time is that this pandemic will be never-ending and won't slow down and stop spreading any time soon.
My initial reaction to school closing is slight shock, but not that surprised. It hasn't changed. (Your reaction may be different, I'm just giving you an example.)
There are multiple changes that should be made after the quarantine is over. I'm sure you can come up with a few examples, but I'll just give you one for starters. When we go to either restaurants or cafes, there shouldn't be a bunch of tables inside of that restaurant or café. They should reduce the amount of tables and chairs inside each of them to keep their distance.
My friends and or family are responding by ___. ( I don't know who your friends or family are, so this one is completely on you. )
During this time, the most important to me is keeping a safe distance from those who I love and care about while checking up on them when they are available by technology. (That's only one of multiple examples. If this doesn't apply to you, then think of something else.)
This time has/ has not changed me in quite a few ways.
By pushing them into analyzing things outside the box from an ethical perspective that did not necessarily had nothing to do with legalism.
In many ways, you can say that rejection of man-made laws ended up supporting Romantics' belief in individualism. Because they valued the individual instead of the collective, it promoted idealism by making them aim for loftier goals than society aspired to. They believed in freedom, in the person itself, in different ways to see things that did not always fall into an objective way of judging other people's actions. It all pushed them to see innocence and inspiration in nature as well.
D. How did you manage to settle all the tasks given to you in such a short time?
The structure of the article makes the author's argument more effective because the author shares factors that drive people from behaving correctly to behave incorrectly
i hope this helps<3 :)
For Argentina:
1. To provide reputable websites with accurate information, you can go to,,, etc. (don't simply default to Wikipedia, as it's not always a reliable source).
2. You can talk about wanting to visit Argentina due to their unique language. Although the country speaks Spanish, the dialect is rather different. The "ll" sound, instead of being pronounced as "y," is actually pronounced as "sh" or "j." This means that "me llamo" is pronounced as "me sha-mo" instead of "me ya-mo."
3. Since Argentina is a large country with many different landscapes, you can talk about wanting to see such diverse geography. For example, there are huge salt flats in the north, a cosmopolitan city (Buenos Aires) as you go further down, and finally a region called Patagonia, which has incredible hiking views and even glaciers, as you continue going down the country.
4. The tourist attractions are similar to the answers in number 3, because it is possible to go on excursions in the salt flats and the glaciers. Additionally, Buenos Aires itself, as the capital of the country, has several tourist attractions, including soccer games, flea markets, etc.
5. This answer will actually depend on whether or not you know anyone who has been to Argentina. It is not the most popular vacation spot, but is gaining popularity within the tourist industry.
6. Again, this will depend on whether or not you know anyone who has been to Argentina. In general, Argentina gives off a very European impression, although it is in Latin America. The people are very proud of their European descent, as there is much Italian and German ancestry among these people.