Answer:Hay 11 biomas en América del Sur. Hay selva tropical marina, Alphine, Deset, Savannas, Pastizales, Chaparral, DesertscrubFreshwater y Deciduous Desert.
<u>The Senate</u> is the body of congress that advices and consents or approves nominations.
The Senate is also the body of Congress that must approve any and all treaties negotiated and signed by the President.
The constitution established this body of congress in the legislative branch of government, stating that it should be divided into three classes.
Moreover, the United States Senate is the only legislative body with the authority to try an impeached official. To convict someone who has been impeached, they only need 2/3 of the vote!
However, the only penalty for being impeached is removal from office.
Learn whose power in the Senate equal to the power of the Speaker of the House:
Answer: Symbols
Symbols refers to signs or image that have a meaning or passing an information.
A complaint is a formal written document filed by a plaintiff to begin a lawsuit which contains the allegations against the defense, the specific laws violated, the facts that led to the dispute, and any demands made by the plaintiff to restore justice.Complaints must properly state the factual as well as legal basis for the claim.