Polar molecules exhibit an unequal balance of charges between the individual elements of the compound. This is brought about by the large difference in their electronegativities. The H atom has the least amount of electronegativity. Then, it is a known periodic trend, that as you go downwards in a group, electronegativity decreases, and increase as you go from left to right. Thus, you can deduce that the most electronegative elements are found in the upper right corner which includes O, N and F atoms. Any bond created between Hydrogen and any of O, N and F atoms is a polar bond.
Excited state of an electron is the state attained by an electron after it has absorbed energy and it moves further from the nucleus.
an electron is at higher energy when excited and at lower energy when at ground state.
an excited electron is less stable due to the decrease in the nuclear force of attraction and the grounded electron is more stable due to it's close distance to the nucleus.