The three main types of lipids are - triglycerides, diglycerides, and steroids.
Lipids are organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives. Lipids are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents (alcohol, ether). The three common lipids are triglycerides, diglycerides, and steroids.
An ester derived from glycerol and three fatty acids is a triglyceride. These are the main component of body fat in the vertebrates as well as the vegetable fat.
A Glyceride consisting of 2 fatty acid chains bonded to a glycerol molecule covalently through ester linkages is a diglyceride.
Biologically active organic compounds with four rings arranged in a specific molecular configuration are steroids.
After a caterpillar eats a leaf, it can convert the chemical energy into mechanical energy to help it build a cocoon.
Opinion on Climate Change
A poll taken in 2016 shows that 52% of Americans believe climate change to be caused by human activity, while 34% state it is caused by natural changes. Data is increasingly showing that 62% of Americans believe that the effects of global warming are happening now in 2017.
the biome that is found at the biomes is called tundra