Put simply, water evaporates from the land and sea, which eventually returns to Earth as rain and snow. Climate change intensifies this cycle because as air temperatures increase, more water evaporates into the air. Warmer air can hold more water vapor, which can lead to more intense rainstorms, causing major problems like extreme flooding in coastal communities around the world.
<span>This is called erythema. Causes for this can include a fever, direct trauma, blushing, or ETHOL intake. This type of pigmentation can affect the face, the area in which trauma may have incurred, the sacrum, the shoulders, and other common sites for ulcers.</span>
<span>1. temperature
2.water purification
3. succession
4. alien species
5. conduct a survey of a species population in an ecosystem
6. adopt ecological conservation practices</span>
I'm pretty sure the dog will be okay, next time maybe hide the donuts :0
the dog may get sick but I don't think they'll die
the dog may get sick but I'm pretty sure they wont die
The correct answer is Zones of tolerance
All living organisms such as fish,plants and animals need water to survive and also the require certain pH level of water in order to be healthy.Its a acid and base balance reaction.Strong acids dissolve into water and its changes water's pH.if water's pH level drops it becomes acidic suppose a fish waste ammonia releases and dissolves in water to form harmless ammonia ions,carbon dioxide ions and hydrogen ions even some limestone also rises pH level and water becomes more basic.To make the tank water alkaline, add some corals and aerate the tank water by fixing an air pump so that excess of carbon dioxide eliminate out and water pH level comes to neutral this is the reason water becomes slightly alkaline and the fishes are able to reproduce.