Soarele generează energie dintr-un proces numit fuziune nucleară. În timpul fuziunii nucleare, presiunea ridicată și temperatura din nucleul soarelui determină separarea nucleelor de electronii lor. Nucleii de hidrogen fuzionează pentru a forma un atom de heliu.
It means that all the things that have the impression that the place was ugly and dull disappeared in the light of twilight. In the twilight it looked powerful and beautiful.
I believe it is C, because is says something they both want, and the question is asking for a comparison.
Small Business
There's a lot of debate on why we should and shouldn't raise the minimum wage. Off the top of my head, I would say the reason not to raise the minimum wage is that it could affect small business owners. Basically, smaller businesses will be forced to pay their employees more money. Obviously that will hurt the owner financially and could ultimately lead the business to bankruptcy.