This is not Biology, it's math. You have too do what you did on the other problems which is convert them all too decimals using a calculator. Make sure too write them down and them just find which number is more or less.
meiosis made 4 haploid daughter cells, with 1 round of dna replicates and followed by 4 division of haploid daughter cells
When I first read this question, all I could think about was the capsized fishing charter called, “the Erik”. The inept captain and crew of this boat caused the death of four passengers while three others remain missing. This disaster occurred back in 2011. I knew two of the passengers. One was recovered in 2013. The other is still listed as missing. However, this question concerns the “best story”. So, I’ll give you the accounts of my own experience. Back in 2013, my group of long-range fishing friends had chartered our annual 8-day trip out of Point Loma, San Diego. We had always chartered the same boat; the Shogun. At our traditional dinner the night before boarding, I remember the most notable topic being discussed was the remnants of Hurricane Ingrid. Ingrid had caused high winds and seas in the area where we wanted to fish.
Hey There!</h2><h2>

the Cell Theory was give by German scientists, Schleiden and T.Shwan in 1839. It stated that,
- All organism are composed of one or more cells
- The cell is the structural and functional unit of life
- It is a de novo structure, that means it COULD arise from non living thing which was incorrect.
It was corrected by the German pathologist Rudolf Virchow in 1855. He made a convincing case, corrected and added the third point of the cell theory. It is,
- Cells can arise only by a division of pre-existing cell. It is <u>NOT</u> a de novo structure.
Cell theory brought a great evolution in the field of biology which established the function of organism is the result of activities and interaction of the cell units.

- <u>Flask 1</u>: It is observed that there are no micro-organism, this is because the meat is sealed and no micro-organism could enter through it.
- <u>Flask 2</u>: It is observed that there are micro-organism present because meat is not sealed but open.
- <u>Flask 3</u>: As the S tube is used, the micro-organism are not able to reach the meat because of the curvy path
These observations support the point that<u> cells could arise only by a division of pre-existing alive cells</u> because in Flask 1 when there were no micro-organism present so there was no organisms found so no micro-organism arised, In flask 3 the S tube was used so no micro-organism could reach the meat thus there were no organism there which could divide to reproduce. The flask 2 was open, so the micro organisms reached the meat so they divided which means Cells can only arise by a division of pre-existing cells.
_____________________________________</u></h2><h2>Best Regards,</h2><h2>'Borz'</h2>