How fast was his car?) another adverb (She moved quite slowly down the aisle If a group of words containing a subject and verb acts as an adverb (modifying Joe sort of felt betrayed by his sisterConjuncts, on the other hand, serve a connector function within the flow of the text, signaling a transition between ideas. lovingly
1. False
Because it is impossible to know someone's future just by looking at them.
2. False
Because northern Canada is close to the northern ice cap, and the territory near the ice caps dont get much sunlight during winter
3. True
Knowledge is power.
4. False
eternal means forever, a mystery that lasts forever must not be very easy to solve.
5. True
steady means balanced, someone who has good balance wouldn't trip very often.
6. False
A lease is temporary, home ownership is more permanent.
<span>What was who doing when he got quite?</span>
B. Denied any wrongdoing and tried to blame the motives of their critics
According to "Food Nation," manure gets into the meat at slaughterhouses because the stomachs and intestines of animals are not discarded correctly, and the knives of slaughterhouse workers are not cleaned often enough. As a result, after the E.coli epidemic 1992, inspectors would test each case of meat delivered to restaurants for the existence of pathogens.