SA Node<span> which is also known as the sinus node, is the natural pacemaker of
the heart. It controls the heart rate by generating electrical impulses
and then sending electrical signals through the heart muscle, causing
the heart to contract and pump blood throughout the body. </span>
The SA Node is located in the outer layer of the right atrium of the heart, near the superior vena cava. It is made up of a group of cells (myocytes) positioned on the
wall of the right atrium, at the center of the heart and near the
entrance of the superior vena cava. These cells contract at a rate of
about 70-80 times per minute, which make up the natural heart beat.
Radioactive labeling is a procedure used to monitor the path followed by a chemical element within a biological system to demonstrate the source.
The free oxygen produced during photosynthesis comes from water.
Single-celled algae were placed in four petri dishes containing carbon dioxide, glucose dissolved in Water.
In each box the oxygen was radioactively marked.
1 petri dish with CO2 marked. Experimental groups
2 petri dish with H2O marked. Experimental groups
3 petri dish with Glucose marked. Experimental groups (control)
4 petri dish with CO2 + H2O + Glucose, all marked. (control).
Thyroid disease occurs when the thyroid (a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck) does not produce the right amount of thyroid hormone. These hormones control how your body uses energy.
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running walking riding a bike and yoga!
This is because iron is used to make a protein called hemoglobin. This protein helps blood cells carry oxygen around the body.