The roaring twenties. Also known as the Jazz Age, the decade of the 1920s featured economic prosperity and carefree living for many. The decade began with a roar and ended with a crash. Prosperity was on the rise in cities and towns, and social change flavored the air.
The 1920s was a decade of profound social changes. The most obvious signs of change were the rise of an interested economy and of mass entertainment, which helped to bring about a "revolution in morals and manners." Gender roles, hair styles, and dress all changed profoundly during the
Our social studies included history, civics, geography, economics and natural disaster management.
Answer: In the years before the Civil War, it was the first time that womens are
taking part in significiant role {war]. After the wars americans and africans started working as a laudresses
The Industrial Revolution would turn London into one of the world's first megacities as it grew the swallow up several parishes and areas that had once been farmland and created new demands on city services thanks to overcrowding.
In the slum areas of cities, diseases like cholera, typhus and diphtheria were endemic . Some could be linked to poor sanitation (cholera) and poor housing (TB) while others were spread by body lice (typhus). In addition, there were the new industrial diseases.
Children often had to work under very dangerous conditions. They lost limbs or fingers working on high powered machinery with little training. They worked in mines with bad ventilation and developed lung diseases.