Lobbyist and Interest groups basically influence legislatures to
pass their wanted laws/amendments. lobbyists are hired usually by a businessman/corporation. Interest groups do the same thing but are more for the people. citizens may join them and help advocate for things. Lobbying is protected by the first amendment.
Usually, the police tend to respect the rights of citizens and behave according to the rules of their profession, without overreaching and protecting citizens and their rights.
But on some occasions, police officers can overstep their roles and violate some constitutional rights of citizens, whether conscientiously or not.
In the latter case, the police often overstep their duties without the intention of doing so, but as a consequence of the situations to which they are exposed. Thus, for example, more than once a police officer has mistakenly shot a suspect who was in the middle of a persecution operation or at a crime scene, or even many times the police have arrested people who were not committing any crime, just for the simple fact of being suspicious.
increase spending and lower taxes.
He believed this would stimulate the economy.