because of co vid and do nald tru mp doing things and people rioting, and the police found new tech and etc to increase their catch rate
This is done on any floor, the highest or the lowest. Simply drop the egg from one inch above your foot and it will not break.
A copy of Trotha's Extermination Order survives in the Botswana National Archives. The order states "every Herero, with or without a gun, with or without cattle, will be shot. I will no longer accept women or children, I will drive them back to their people [to die in the desert] or let them be shot at."
Richard Nixon was the first us president to declare war on drugs
it depends
you should finish what you started, so you can achieve your goal and if you start something you dont enjoy your shouldn't continue because you would be wasting your time on things you hate than doing the things you enjoy.
if you start something you that you are bad at, always remember, a quitter never wins but a failure always win.