Higher prices for consumers
The "grave danger" that the author is talking about is the danger of atomic weaponry
"Preliminary Statement of the Association of Manhattan District Scientists" was a 100-page report written after the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The "grave danger" that the scientist is talking about in the article is the dangers of atomic weaponry. The article talks about the consequences that wrong decisions of leaders may have on its nations.
The amount of years for service varied and was decided by the contractor, for adults it was typically around 4 to 7 years but it wasn't always only seven years.
Hope this helps!
La Sumeria es una civilizacion que florecio alrededor de 4500-1900 aC
Pools that are lined with vinyl are built with metal or plastic frames above ground or set into the excavated hole. Prefab supporting walls or panels made of plastic, steel, or aluminum are joined to the frame, making a form that is then lined with heavy vinyl to form the pool shell.