The principle of superposition states that the oldest sedimentary rock units are at the bottom, and the youngest are at the top. Based on this, layer C is oldest, followed by B and A. So the full sequence of events is as follows: Layer C formed.
Cellular respiration
All living cells strictly require energy in form of ATP to perform their cellular functions. This energy is obtained when food molecules are broken down on their cells in order to release the stored energy in their bonds. This anabolic process is called CELLULAR RESPIRATION.
CELL CYCLE is one of the cellular functions performed by a cell, as every cell needs to undergo division. According to this question, the cell cycle requires energy, which is also supplied via the process of CELLULAR RESPIRATION.
Natural selection
Sexual selection refers to the natural selection where the allele frequencies of a population are changed due to nonrandom mating between the individuals. Certain preferences for the mate by organisms result in sexual selection. It is mostly exhibited by females.
For example, peahen prefers the peacocks with elaborate tail features as their mate. The sexual selection also occurs when there is competition among the members of the same sex for a mate. This type of sexual selection is mostly exhibited by males and results in fighting and display.
The results of scientific explanation can be drawn through scientific observation and data.
Scientific explanations are inferred or concluded from scientific observations that was taken by the researcher because these scientific observation provides information and data to the researcher in order to formed scientific explanation from it. We can conclude scientific explanation if we have the scientific observation or in other words, The results of scientific explanation can be drawn through scientific observation and data.
1. specialized cells
2. extracellular protein fibers
3. a fluid known as ground substance