There would be no energy supplied to the cell. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
Answer: You picked the correct answer, "They all inherited their traits from a common ancestor."
Explanation: Well, one I had a test on this question too and I got it right. Second, if all species shown have something in common (structures) than they most likely got it from a common ancestor.
Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses because viruses do not have cells. Viruses are infectious agents that live within the cells of other living things. Antibiotics work by breaking down the cell walls of bacteria or interfering with the bacteria's ability to repair its cell's DNA, according to How Stuff Works.
Light; Carbon dioxide; Temperature
Light; There would be no photosynthesis if light is not present. The rate of photosynthesis increases with light intensity up to the certain limit that plant needs for photosynthesis.
Carbon dioxide; Without carbon dioxide photosynthesis is not possible. The rate of photosynthesis increases with carbon dioxide level up to the certain limit that plant needs for photosynthesis.
Temperature; Too high temperature will denature the plant photosynthetic enzymes and photosynthesis will be too slow at low temperature