The New Testament does not replace the old testament, however it fulfills it. Without the New Testament the Old Testament would just be a collection of tragic stories and unfulfilled promises. The Old Testament is the gradual unfolding of Gods plan of salvation
An immune response is a reaction which occurs within an organism for the purpose of defending against foreign invaders. The first contact that an organism has with a particular antigen will result in the production of effector T and B cells which are activated cells that defend against the pathogen.
Mars has no rings. the only planets that do are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus
Sexual reproduction is a process involving the fusion of two gametes to
Gametes are special reproductive cells produced by meiosis. It produces genetically dissimilar offspring. Offspring may inherit beneficial qualities from both parents and there is a greater genetic variation in the offspring, leading to species that are better adapted to changes in the environment.