The term "personality" conveys how a person or an individual's unique traits guide his/her reactions and actions in particular situation.
Each person is unique in the sense, no two individuals share exactly same thoughts or react in exactly same manner. Individuality refers to the uniqueness of ideas, thoughts and reactions which distinguish a person from another.
Personality of an individual gradually assumes shape over a period of time, being an outcome of the kind of people one associates with, tastes and preferences, addition of ideas, etc.
While overuse of fossil fuels will cause pollution, world without them is also difficult. A balance is required.
- Without fossil fuels vehicle transport for conveyance does not happen, food won't be transported, and thus life may come to standstill. It will take sometimes, centuries for the alternative sources to replace fossil fuels.
- Overuse will cause pollution to happen and the fossil fuels getting depleted. We already found that if fossil fuels are not there, world will come to standstill. Therefore, cannot deplete them.
- Balanced usage, usage with caution, and development of alternative sources are the ways to tackle the problem. These are the implications of the statements.
Best estimate of the current stock price= $42.64
Price of the stock today =
where P2 = 
Price of the stock today =
. = $42.64