A patent is an intellectual property, with this legal protection, we can exclude to use, sell, and importation of an invention for a limited period of years, but we must do an enabling public disclosure of the invention or discovery, it is a requirement of the patent law, a patent is considered an advantage in the industries world.
Availability ,devices and applications, performance, security, scalability.
The word is " Harmony"
In Art, Harmony is the balance. It is one of the seven principles of Art.
It is the delightful way the parts are organised, which creates a balanced view, the “Visual equilibrium” .
Harmony is in the music, poem, colours and even in the food. Balance give us a pleasant feeling of equilibrium.
The pickup diagram for the Cardioid (heart-shaped) microphone pattern tells you is that the microphone is most sensitive to sound coming in from the front (where the blue arrow is), and will tend to “refuse” sound coming in from the other side (the red arrow points to that part).
The moment work is produced, written, or developed.
Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.