Here is the JAVA program: class:
import java.util.Scanner; //to accept input from user
public class Sibling { //class name
//private data members of class
private String name; // String type variable to hold the name of sibling
private int age; // int type variable to hold the age of sibling
private int weight; // int type variable to hold the weight of sibling
public Sibling() {} //constructor of class Sibling
public Sibling (String n, int a, int w) { //parameterized constructor
name = n; // refers to name field
age = a; // refers to age field
weight = w; } // refers to weight field
public String getName () { //accessor method to get the current name of sibling
return name; } //returns the name field of the sibling
public int getAge () { //accessor method to get the current age of sibling
return age; } //returns the age field of the sibling
public int getWeight (){ //accessor method to get the current weight of sibling
return weight; } //returns the weight field of the sibling
public void getInput() { //to take input name,age and weight from user
Scanner input = new Scanner(; //Scanner class object
System.out.print("Enter the name: "); //prompts user to enter the name of sibling
name = input.nextLine(); //scans and reads the input name from user
System.out.print("Enter the age: "); //prompts user to enter the age of sibling
age = input.nextInt(); //scans and reads the age from user
System.out.print("Enter the weight: "); //prompts user to enter the weight of sibling
weight = input.nextInt(); } } //scans and reads the input weight from user
Here is the TestSibling class that contains main method:
public class TestSibling { //class name
public static void main (String[] args) { //main method
String name; // to hold name of sibling
int age, weight; // to hold age and weight of sibling
Sibling sib1, sib2, sib3; // objects of Sibling class
sib1 = new Sibling (); // creates object of class Sibling for sibling 1 and calls constructor
sib1.getInput(); // calls getInput method using sib1 object to get the name, age and weight of sibling 1
sib2 = new Sibling (); // creates object of class Sibling for sibling 2 and calls constructor
sib2.getInput(); //calls getInput method using sib2 object to get the name, age and weight of sibling 2
sib3 = new Sibling (); //creates object of class Sibling for sibling 3 and calls constructor
sib3.getInput(); //calls getInput method using sib3 object to get the name, age and weight of sibling 3
Sibling youngest=null, lightest=null; //holds the youngest age and lightest weight of siblings
if (sib1.getAge( )<= sib2.getAge( ) && sib1.getAge( ) <= sib3.getAge( ) ) /*if condition checks if age of sibling 1 is less than or equals to that of sibling 2 and sibling 3, using object of each sibling and getAge method to access age. the logical operator && AND is used so that if condition evaluates to true if sib1 is younger than both sib2 and sib3 */
{ youngest=sib1;} //if the above condition is true then sets sib1 as youngest
else if (sib2.getAge( ) <= sib1.getAge( ) && sib2.getAge( ) <= sib3.getAge( ) ) // else if condition checks if age of sibling 2 is less than or equals to that of sibling 1 and sibling 3
{youngest=sib2;} // if above condition is true then sets sib2 as the youngest
else //if none of the above condition is true then this means that the third has the lowest age
{ youngest=sib3; } //sets sib3 as the youngest
if (sib1.getWeight( ) <= sib2.getWeight( ) && sib1.getWeight( ) <= sib3.getWeight( ) ) //if condition checks if weight of sibling 1 is less than or equals to that of sibling 2 and sibling 3, using object of each sibling and getAge method to access weight of each sibling
{ lightest=sib1; } //if the above condition is true then sets sib1 as having the lightest weight
else if (sib2.getWeight( ) <= sib1.getWeight( ) && sib2.getWeight( ) <= sib3.getWeight( ) ) // else if condition checks if weight of sibling 2 is less than or equals to that of sibling 1 and sibling 3
{lightest=sib2; } //if the above condition is true then sets sib2 as the lightest
else //if none of the above condition is true then this means that the third has the lightest weight
{ lightest=sib3; } //sets sib3 as the lightest
System.out.println("The lightest sibling: " + lightest.getName() +" " + lightest.getAge()+" "+ lightest.getWeight()); } } //calls the getName() getAge() and getWeight() method using object lightest to print the lightest of the siblings
System.out.println("The youngest sibling: " + youngest.getName() +" " + youngest.getAge()+" "+ youngest.getWeight()); //calls the getName() getAge() and getWeight() method using object youngest to print the youngest of the siblings
The screenshot of the output is attached.