Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the Earth's layers, and are a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions
Protein is made up of amino acids that help to grow, maintain and repair different tissues in the body- including muscle.
agouti - aaBbCc
solid color - AaBBCC
agouti black - AAbbCc
albino - AaBbcc/Aabbcc/AABBcc
Explanation: All the phenotypes that contain cc will be albinos, so they won't present any pigment deposition. Agouti black depends on the A gene to be homozygous and the B to be recessive, so the phenotype AAbbC_ is the correspondent. If A is not homozygous and B isn't recessive, we have agouti color. If B is homozygous and A recessive, we have a solid color.
The answer is c mediastinum