What is 0.42857142857 as a fraction?
To write 0.42857142857 as a fraction you have to write 0.42857142857 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you multiply numerator and denominator by 10 as long as you get in numerator the whole number.
0.42857142857 = 0.42857142857/1 = 4.2857142857/10 = 42.857142857/100 = 428.57142857/1000 = 4285.7142857/10000 = 42857.142857/100000 = 428571.42857/1000000 = 4285714.2857/10000000 = 42857142.857/100000000 = 428571428.57/1000000000 = 4285714285.7/10000000000 = 42857142857/100000000000
And finally we have:
0.42857142857 as a fraction equals 42857142857/100000000000
Turn 45% into a decimal. You get 0.45, because you move the decimal two places to the left.
Then multiply 300*0.45
You get 135
135 Shoppers in the supermarket bought milk.
$12.6 -- 25% of 12.6 is exactly $3.15
I did this by taking 3.15 / 0.25
i dont know if this is what u wanted but it wasn't really specified
Step-by-step explanation:
1(4 – 22); 2 – 2x