When comparing decimals, start in the tenths place. The decimal with the biggest value there is greater. If they are the same, move to the hundredths place and compare these values. If the values are still the same keep moving to the right until you find one that is greater or until you find that they are equal.
The width is the x value and the hight is the y value.
Plot the points on the graph as decimal if that helps.
The point at the bottom left is the origin (0,0)
I hope this helps.
Answers :
1.) Linear
2.) non-linear
3.) non-linear
A linear function is a line that creates a straight line. A non-linear function is a line that creates anything besides a straight line.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
The equation for the slope is
m = ( y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
-2 = (4-y)/(1-3)
-2 = (4-y)/-2
Multiply each side by -2
4 = 4-y
Subtract 4 from each side
4-4 = 4-y-4
0 = -y