Chondro- refers to cartilage; -malacia means “softening,” so chondromalacia means “softening of the cartilage.”
Makanan ini terdiri dari nutrisi yang diklasifikasikan oleh peran mereka dalam tubuh: macronutrients-menghasilkan energi (karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak), mikronutrien penting (vitamin, mineral, dan air), dan berbagai komponen lainnya. Meskipun mikronutrien tidak memasok energi untuk bahan bakar tubuh, mereka sangat diperlukan untuk berfungsinya metabolisme dan aktivitas regulasi dalam tubuh
A. I think its an operational plan.
Peristalsis is the term used to describe how muscle layers
contract and expand in order to <span>move food throughout the digestive system. From the mouth, the food goes through the
esophagus, into the stomach, then through the small and large intestines until
it finally comes out the rectum. During
this process, the small intestine absorbs nutrients which are moved into the
blood stream by way of “vili”, or small projections in the small intestines, which
contain dedicated cells to assist in the process.</span>
<span>Option D. It is the one that is done on a regular basis, as part of a cardiorespiratory training with optimal results that has many benefits and advantages in the regular activity of exercises of a person that contains excellent contributions to the body and the body as part of an excellent workout routine.</span>