The outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface<span> of vertebrates ... the primary tissue of higher plants composed of </span>thin<span>-walled </span>cells<span> that remain capable of ... a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature </span>leaves<span> or petals ... Older xylem </span>near<span> the center of a woody stem that no longer conducts water.</span>
Fear is a barrier as people fear being judged for things as there might be a stigma attached to it. When people are judged their problem isn't solved and instead worsened and they will feel compelled to keep their problems to themselves.
When i observe internal parts of plants , i feel that its structure and functions are very complex and dependent from one another
If one part of the plants fail to do its function, it will be most likely that other parts of the plants will be disturbed too
hope this helps
The correct answer is: c) 3, 2, 5, 1, 4.
Endochondral ossification is the process in which <u>bone tissue is formed from a cartilage model</u>, unlike intramembranous ossification in which bone cells originate from mesenchymal stem cells. Endochondral ossification is key to: 1) the rudimentary formation of long bones, 2) the growth in lenght of long bones, and 3) the reparation if bone tissue when the bone is fractured.
I'm supposed to know this, but, what do u mean?
I'm new to this app...