It shows that older people often ignore or minimize children's feelings
Yes, they should.
It teaches students the importance of helping others, even if you don't expect something in return.
D) Decius strongly believes that he can get Caesar to go to the Capitol.
D. Barry's band perform for a group of paying customers every time they play at Filits.
The tricky thing with words such as "band", "team", "jury" etc. is determining whether they are singular or plural.
Basically, the rule is that when we talk about the group of people, as a whole, we use singular form, but when we talk about the members of the group we use plural form.
Sentences A. and B. are correct; "Barry plays/feels...", "The name comes..." all use correct verb forms regarding the subject.
Sentence C. in the first part uses "The band is called..." and then "They have been...". This might seem wrong, but it actually isn't. In the first part, the band refers to the group, meaning it's singular. In the second part "they" refers to the band members, which should be plural.
Ssntence D. uses the band as the group, but uses the inadequate verb form - perform instead of performs.