To find how much chocolate Adi and Suresh receives, you need to convert the percentage to a decimal, then you multiply that decimal by the total number of chocolates, which is 20.
To convert percentages to decimals, divide the percentage by 100, and remove the percentage.
60% / 100 = 0.60
20% / 100 = 0.20
Then, we multiply 0.60 and 0.20 by 20.
0.60 x 20 = 12
0.40 x 20 = 8
Therefore, Adi gets 12 chocolates and Suresh gets 8 chocolates.
8 * 24 feet = 192 sq feet per 5 hours
12* 36 = 432 square feet
432 is 2.25 times the area of 192 square feet
So, it takes 5 * 2.25 = 11.25 hours
Let the women's height be AE and distance between the women and tower be AC.
Also let the height of tower be BC.
Now, clearly it is forming a triangle.
So, in triangle ABC,
Hence, BC = 59.5m
So, BD(total height of the tower)
Therefore, total height of the tower =
Hope it helps you:)
Step-by-step explanation:
Sorry I don't know how to explain it scientifically but I know how to do the calculations
1) Theres 60 minutes in an hour
2) 80x60= 4,800 beats
expanded form: 5 * 5 * 5
value: 125
Step-by-step explanation: