Right around 75 I would believe
$0.243089430894309 Per ounce
Price divided by ounces gives you the unit price. Since this is an unreal number when talking about price it will be $0.24 per ounce.
<u>Answer with step-by-step explanation:</u>
We know that the formula for area of a circle is given by:
<em>Area of a circle =
So to find the area of circle, we basically need to know the radius of the circle.
If we know the circumference of the circle, we can calculate the area of the circle too.
Formula for the circumference of the circle is given by:

So if we know the circle's circumference, we can find the value of radius and then find the area of circle with it.
Tiger shark:
2240 miles in 28 days = 80 miles/day
GW shark:
2368 miles in 32 days = 74 miles/day
80 miles/day x 32 days = 2560 miles the Tiger shark would have traveled
2560-2368 = 192
If the tiger shark had traveled at the same rate for 32 days, the tiger shark would have traveled 192 miles more than the great white shark