You can find your pulse in either wrist (I think) and on the side of your neck if you push a little.
Answer: option d= 130 - 150.
From the question, we are given that the man's age= 50, the man weighs= 193 lb (87.5 kg) and the 50 years old man's resting heart rate= 70 beats · min-1. Then, I am asked to calculate the man's target heart rate (THR) zone for 60% to 80%.
Using the Karvonen (HRR) method to calculate the fifty(50) years old man's target heart rate (THR) zone for 60% to 80%, we will need the man's age for this Calculation and the man's resting heart rate (HR).
Important information to note that is not given from the question is that the 50 years old man's estimated maximum heart rate is (220 - 50) = 170.
Step one: Using the formula; maximum heart rate - man's age × zone Percent. --------------------------(1).
Step two: equation (1) + resting heart rate (HR). -------------------------(2).
For the 60 percent = 0.6.
==>( 170 - 70) × .6 = 60.
Then, 60 + 70 = 130.
For the 80 percent= 0.8;
==> (170 - 70) × .8 = 80.
Then, 80 + 70 = 150.
Absorbance =


2.105 <=>
<=> A=0.3233
To 47.5%T corresponds 0.3233 absorbance.
Some less hazardous pesticide such as self-contained bait stations, indoor gel or paste crack-and-crevice treatments, antimicrobial pesticides including disinfectants and sanitizers, are exempted from HSA's posting, notice, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
What is the Healthy Schools Act (HSA) and who is it for?
- For K–12 public schools in California as well as licensed child care facilities, collectively referred to as schoolsites, the Healthy Schools Act (HSA) establishes pesticide use and reporting regulations.
- Anyone using any kind of pesticide on a school site is subject to the HSA, including school personnel, volunteers, and pest control companies.
- The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) creates training programs and other educational resources to promote least-toxic pest control practices and help with HSA compliance.
Learn more about the Pesticide tolerance with the help of the given link:
c) Whenever heartburn occurs (prn) Q.I.D.
- Antacids are OTC drugs (no prescription needed) used to treat heartburn. They are usually salts (aluminium, calcium or magnesium) that neutralize the excess of acid in the stomach.
- Examples of antacids are: Pepto Bismol (P&G), Maalox (SANOFI) and Tums (GSK)
- There are other types of medications that control heartburn, but they do it through a different mechanism: instead of neutralizing the excess of acid, they inhibit the production of acid in the stomach. These are: PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) and H2 inhibitors/blockers. These medications have important side effects and interactions, which is why they shouldn't be taken instead of an antacid to relief sporadic heartburn symptoms.
- Ranitidine (Zantac, by SANOFI) is an example of an H2 inhibitor, and Pantoprazole (Protonix, by Pfizer) is an example of a PPI.
- People who present heartburn only from time to time and have no underlying reflux disease are not prescribed PPIs or H2 inhibitors. It is advised that they take antacids after meals when heartburn occurs, but not in a routinely manner and not for more than 2 weeks. If symptoms persist or worsen, clients should see a doctor.
- Diet and lifestyle changes are also recommended for people who present heartburn; these include: avoiding foods that trigger it such as fried and spicy food & carbonated beverages, eating smaller meals, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, and avoiding lying down after eating.