Rural hospitals that have suffered the most have been those in states that have not taken up the offer of the Affordable Care Act to expand Medicaid coverage. Medicaid is a federal and state program.
Medicaid is a public insurance program aimed at providing healthcare to low-income families and individuals in the USA.
Medicaid program was developed as an amendment to the Social Security Act (SSA) in 1965.
The Affordable Care Act gives USA citizens improved access to healthcare coverage via an expanded Medicaid program.
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Pueden producirse tos, babeo, incapacidad para deglutir, vómitos, a veces con sangre, y sensación de ahogo. En casos graves debidos a sustancias cáusticas, la persona puede presentar una presión arterial muy baja (choque o shock), ahogo o dolor torácico, lo que posiblemente acabe siendo mortal.
The 3rd Option
Simple for this question, C: an investigation because it uses only observations.
It is something people can cultivate through behavior.
A. being oxygenated in the alveoli, where oxygen is supposed to attach to the red blood cells (in the lungs)