The question here is past tense, in the phrase "Cuando yo era joven"
which equates to "when I was young" - the object being described is "mis padres", so llevaron is the correct conjugation using past tense.
Answer:1.At that time, Ireland was in social conditions of overpopulation and uncontrolled poverty. These major issues in the economy of the country prompted Swift to write this satiric proposal.
2.A modern audience would become skeptical in a way that they will see this as an exaggerated means for a solution. However, they will also see the sense of it as they will compare it to the modern era of economic inconsistency and incapability.
3.The fourth could be considered the most sardonic as it greatly hits parents who cannot control themselves from reproducing but cannot produce a life for their child
4.The fourth could be considered the most sardonic as it greatly hits parents who cannot control themselves from reproducing but cannot produce a life for their child
5.Swift's purpose of using a provocative approach is to provoke and evoke emotions and in the process, elicit proper and feasible solutions from the audience.
6.Personally, I don't see it as as Swift's own belief but as his way of enlightening the audience on what is truly happening with women and families.
7.The word "proposal" is very catchy in a way that people always wanted to seek for solutions and ways to answer to a problem but are often tired and lazy to have their own ideas.
8.Swift hoped to bring about awareness and ignite the people to not just observe, but also take the necessary action to make their society a better place to live in.
Explanation: i used slader
Chaos would happen and one branch will always have more power over the other branch. If they are all together, what is right and what is wrong. Is too much power being used? What laws to make? What actions to make? IF for not these questions perhaps, there would have been only one branch of the government. The executive branch has immense power and can be overpowered as well, but, that does not mean it can do any foolishness it wants. That is why the judicial branch exists and it has specific power, great power, to overrule anything if it is deemed wrong or unconsitituional. The president doesn't necessarily create law either. He writes them into law and may have some power or influence to add in laws he likes or wants. The legislative branch looks over the laws and creates them. The president merely looks over it and signs it. The judical branch also has the power to overrule laws that are unjust or unconstitutional. Together, these three branches make up the government. Without each other, or to be said, as single, the nation would be no more.
Ethics is regarded as a system of knowledge because it’s concerned with the moral principles governing or influencing conduct.