a) <u>initial state description</u>
<em>At(Monkey, A) ∧ At(Bananas, B) ∧ At(Box, C) ∧</em>
<em>Height(Monkey, Low) ∧ Height (Box, Low) ∧</em>
<em>Height (Bananas, High) ∧ Push(Box) ∧ ClimbUp(Box)</em>
b) <u>the six action schemas.</u>
1 - Go from one place to another
<em>Action (Go(x, y),</em>
<em>PRECONDITION: At (Monkey, x)</em>
<em>EFFECT: At (Monkey, y) ∧¬At(Monkey, x))</em>
2 - Push an object from one place to another
<em>Action (Push(b, x, y),</em>
<em>PRECONDITION: At (Monkey, x) ∧ Can Push(b)</em>
<em>EFFECT: At(b, y) ∧ At (Monkey, y) ∧¬At(b, x) ∧¬At(Monkey, x))</em>
3 - Climb up unto an object
<em>Action (ClimbUp(b),</em>
<em>PRECONDITION: At(b, x) ∧ At(Monkey, x) ∧ ClimbUp(b)</em>
<em>EFFECT: On (Monkey, b) ∧¬Height (Monkey, High))</em>
4 - ClimbDown from an object
<em>Action (ClimbDown (b),</em>
<em>PRECONDITION: On (Monkey, b) ∧ Height (Monkey, High)</em>
<em>EFFECT: ¬On (Monkey, b) ∧¬Height (Monkey, High) ∧ Height(Monkey, Low))</em>
5 - Grasp an object
<em>Action (Grasp (object, position, height),</em>
<em>PRECONDITION: Height(Monkey, h) ∧ Height(b, h) ∧ At(Monkey, x) ∧ At(b, x)</em>
<em>EFFECT: Has(Monkey, b))</em>
6 - Ungrasp an object
<em>Action (Ungrasp(b),</em>
<em>PRECONDITION: Have(Monkey, b)</em>
<em>EFFECT: Has(Monkey, object))</em>
<em />
c) <u>general goal state.</u>
<em>Has(Monkey, Bananas, s) ∧ (ЗхAt(Box, x, s₁) ∧ At(Box, x, s))</em>
STRIPS only consider about goal state, there is no relation between two states within the plan, so there is no way to represent this goal.