<span>synthesis in rough endoplasmic reticulum
packed, processed in golgi apparatus and exported in vesicles via exocytosis</span>
Answer for question 1- B (eliminate all plant life)
Answer for question 3- A (Direct energy from the Sun)
(i’m not entirely sure what the answer is to question 2 and i do apologies if any of this incorrect)
Please mark as brainlist.
Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal.
Natural selection can be described as a phenomenon in which individuals of a population which are better adapted to survive in an environment are favored by nature as compared to the individuals of the population which lack better characteristics to survive in the environment.
Through natural selection, evolution occurs and the allelic frequency changes over a period of time. The process of evolution as well as change in the allelic frequencies does not occur just by a single individual, rather it is a collective effort which takes a lot of time. Hence, we say that natural selection changes the population and not a single individual.