Capillaries are the blood vessels with the smallest diameter and those closest to the surface of the skin. The blood that circulates through them is therefore closer to the outside air than the blood in the rest of our blood vessels. As the capillary dilates, a greater amount of blood is exposed to the air, which allows it to cool down and our body temperature to be maintained.
Blood is a solution where solutes and cells are found and that participates in homeostatic mechanisms such as the control of body temperature, helping to regulate respectively the preservation and elimination of heat. Blood vessels are the routes of the cardiovascular system, which are responsible for being a means of transport for blood with and without oxygen that reaches all tissues and returns to the heart. In very hot weather, surface thermoreceptors signal the brain that something needs to be done to dissipate heat. For this reason, a vasodilation process is activated, which allows blood to flow to the outermost layers of the skin. This promotes a heat exchange with the environment, which helps the individual to lower their body temperature. Cold causes a decrease in blood flow by reducing the size of the vessel (arteries or veins) through which blood and other substances circulate. By reducing the size of the vessel, the substances that circulate in the blood are also reduced. The heat causes an increase in the size of the blood vessels, which generates greater transport of nutrients through the blood.
D. That is a D.N.A Molecule, which stores your gene's/ info
A. Molecular changes such as extracellular signals on extracellular ligands can result in quick changes in cell behaviour. One example is insulin. Upon insulin binding on the receptor on the cell membrane, the cell release GLUT4 transporters (for muscle cells) to increase uptake of glucose.
B. Slow changes in cell behaviour can be observed for other lipophilic hormones or intracellular receptors such as glucocoortoid or estrogen which reacts with receptors in the cells.
C. Insulin is required to maintain a constant blood glucose level and hence levels of insulin has to be mediated in correspondence to the blood glucose levels. Fast acting signalling is thus required for homeostasis of blood glucose levels. Where for such lipophilic hormones such as steriods, glucocortoid, these hormones tend to have a longer lasting effect and hence results in a slow change.
He used peas because they are self pollinating,they grow fast,and they have many traits
Meiosis results in gametes with one half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.