As humans plants also need oxygen to breathe they only take in carbon dioxide to do photosynthesis.So they wont do photosynthesis at night and so they only need to breathe. even though their stomata are closed at night some oxygen can go inside. and this is how plants breathe when their stomata are … Enzymes change carbon dioxide to glucose.
Transmission Electron Microscope would show a mitochondria’s internal structure in the greatest detail
The TEM is used to visualise the internal structure of the cells. This works when an electron beam of light passes through the object or the sample, it shows a clear presence of the organelles inside the cell. The TEM uses the energetic electron which provides the morphological as well as compositional and crystallographic features of the cell. Its maximum potential is about 1 nanometre. Among the most powerful microscope for studying the internal organelles of the cell TEM is one.
The DNA replication products visualized during the sanger method of DNA sequencing are observed in which nucleotides are added.
Sanger sequencing is based on the process of DNA replication. A scientist creates a copy of his DNA strand. Then observe which nucleotides have been added. This way you can see the sequence of nucleotides. A laser excites the fluorescent labels in each band and a computer detects the resulting light.
Sanger sequencing produces extension products of various lengths ending in dideoxynucleotides at the 3' ends. Extension products are separated by capillary electrophoresis or CE. Molecules are injected by an electric current into a long glass capillary filled with gel polymer. Selective incorporation of chain-terminating dideoxynucleotides by DNA polymerases during in vitro DNA replication.
Learn more about DNA replication
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La teoría de la panspermia, que sugiere que la vida en la Tierra no se originó en nuestro planeta, sino que fue transportada aquí desde otro lugar del universo.